We are updating this page periodically, if you didn’t find a solution for your problem please contact us.

  1. Did you receive my order? What is my Order Status?

    You can find your Order Status any time at the Track Order page or by checking the My Orders page.

  2. My order status is “Pending Payment”, what does this mean?

    This means that your order is one step away to be processed. To complete your order payment please check the My Orders Page.
    If you already paid online for your order (i.e. using credit card) please allow up to 5 minutes to confirm the payment.

  3. My order status is “Processing”, what does this mean?

    This means that we at Antika Cotton have received your order and currently processing and preparing it for shipping.

  4. My order status is “Completed”, what does this mean?

    This means that your products were submitted to the shipping courier and you should receive it soon. Thank you for shopping with Antika Cotton ❤.

  5. My order status is “On Hold”, what does this mean?

    This means that there is a problem with your order and one of our support team members will contact you soon.

  6. My order status is “Cancelled”, what does this mean?

    This can happen in more than situation, for example but not limited to:
    1- Your online payment wasn’t confirmed in a 5 minute duration
    2- Your Address Details or Account Details are not complete or faulty
    If you think something wrong happened please contact us immediately.

  7. Where can I edit my account details (Name, Password, Email)?

    You can update your account details any time here.

  8. Where can I view my Wishlist?

    You can view and edit your wishlist any time here.

  9. Where can I view and update my Address?

    You can view and update your address any time here.

  10. How can I use coupons?

    You can use coupons in two places:
    1- At the Cart page. Enter the Coupon Code => Apply Coupon => Update Cart
    2- At the Checkout page. You can enter the coupon code in the area above Billing & Shipping Details and the total price will be update automatically.

  11. Is Wholesale available?

    Yes of course, for wholesale and business inquiries please contact us.

  12. What are the materials used in Antika Cotton products?

    All Antika Cotton products are made from pure Egyptian cotton to provide maximum satisfaction.

  13. Was Antika Cotton featured on TV?

    Yes, Antika Cotton’s owner Mai Kandeel was hosted by Radwa El Sherbiny on CBC Sofra and by Noha Abdel Aziz on DMC.

  14. Where is Antika Cotton located?

  15. Where are my credit card credentials stored?

    We don’t store any of your credit card credentials on our servers. All online payments are processed and secured by PayMob Online Payments.

  16. I found an Error in the website, where can I report it?

    You can report any website errors in the Contact Us page.